This script is released under the second version of the FSF's GPL. Make sure
you read the license at BEFORE you
use this software. No warranties provided or whatsoever implied.

If you object to the licensing terms, you can go suck an imp's arse, unless
you can't find an imp. Don't contact me about this, I know no imps' addresses.

This is KoC script by Apollon Koutlides ( ), first
released on Oct 5, 2003. It can login to the Kings Of Chaos server and buy
some weapons for you.

Use it like this:
./KoC configfile

Create a configfile as follows:
first line: username
second line: password
third line: name of first weapon to buy
fourth line: quantity of first weapon to buy
fifth line: name of second weapon to buy
sixth line: quantity of secodn weapon to buy
...and so on, for as many weapons as you like.

The script will buy as much as possible and up to the specified quantity
of the first weapon, then do the same with the second, and so on. You can
even specify the same weapon more than once. Thus, you might first buy a
minimum quantity of cheap weapons, then a few expensive ones, then buy
even more cheap weapons to make sure all cash is spent.